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Připojen: 23.11.2008 - 20:51
Flash 64bit - update script

Kedze mi novy flash11 64bit z repozitarov nefungoval spravne a sekal, tak som len pozmenil update script ktory som kedysi nasiel na opensuse fore. Takze pre zaujimavost prikladam:


#: Title       : /home/james/bin/flash64
#: Date Created: Fri Jun 10 16:33:27 CDT 2011
#: Last Edit   : Fri Jun 10 16:33:27 CDT 2011
#: Author      : J. McDaniel
#: Version     : 1.00
#: Description : Download and install 64 bit flash version
#: Options     : None

function enter_prompt {
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  echo -n "$1$(tput sgr0)"
  read CHOICE

tput clear
echo "Flash 64 - Update your Flash Player to 64 Bit - This will remove your old 32 Bit version!!!"
enter_prompt "Do you wish to remove your old flash player file and install a new 64 bit version? (y/N)"

if [[ $CHOICE == [Yy] ]] ; then

  cd ~/Downloads

  wget -nc http://get.adobe.com/cz/flashplayer/completion/?installer=Flash_Player_11_for_other_Linux_%28.tar.gz%29_64-bit

  tar -xzvf $getfile

  if [ ! -e "libflashplayer.so" ] ; then
    echo "The flash player libflashplayer.so file, was not found!"
    exit 1
    sudo zypper rm pullin-flash-player flash-player nspluginwrapper
    sudo cp ~/Downloads/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/ 

  enter_prompt "Would you like to go online, enter a contest and test your Flash at the same time? (y/N)"

  if [[ $CHOICE == [Yy] ]] ; then
    /usr/bin/dbus-launch firefox http://www.geforce.com/#/Community/Rewards


echo "64 Bit Flash Installation is complete..."

exit 0